### 示例一:阳日
#### 一:确定阴阳日
- **阳日**,因为求测人感觉开心(发工资了)。
#### 二:生成数列
Four sets of four-digit numbers were generated:
- 1)1384 5232 4972 2975
- 2)9751 9274 0348 9841
- 3)5927 9598 1498 0975
- 4)7584 0678 3975 9576
#### 三:外应
Recent anomaly: Won 5 in the lottery.
#### 四:卦师起卦
The fortune teller interprets the numerology and provides hints, e.g., "A new financial opportunity might bring unexpected joy."
#### 五:疑惑的事
The querent wonders: "Who escaped death when Sun Wukong tore up the Book of Life and Death?"
#### 六:梦境描述
The querent should provide a detailed account of recurring dreams, including people, places, events, and emotions involved.
#### 七:定单双(阳日规则)
The fortune teller uses a random method to generate odd or even numbers. The rule for a sunny day is that the querent's number is odd and the diviner's is even. If conditions are met, move to step eight.
#### 八:开始解梦
If all conditions align, proceed with dream interpretation.
### 示例二:阴日
#### 一:确定阴阳日
- **阴日**,由于求测人感觉失落(发工资却不够花)。
#### 二:生成数列
Four sets of five-digit numbers were provided:
- 1)01384 52232 41972 29575
- 2)97512 92742 03448 79841
- 3)57927 95298 14978 09575
- 4)75684 80678 93975 99576
#### 三:外应
Recent anomaly: A friend who hadn't been in touch for three years suddenly wants to repay money.
#### 四:卦师起卦
The diviner offers insights, e.g., "An unexpected reunion may offer a resolution."
#### 五:疑惑的事
The querent is curious: "In the Daughter's Country, did Zhu Bajie become a boy or a girl after drinking the water?"
#### 六:梦境描述
The querent should narrate the recurring dream with as much detail as possible.
#### 七:定单双(阴日规则)
According to rules for cloudy days, if the querent's number is even and the diviner's is odd, proceed to dream interpretation.
#### 八:开始解梦
Proceed with interpretation if conditions are met; otherwise, wait for a more suitable time.
*Remember*, dream interpretation is highly subjective, and it's important to consider personal insights and experiences while interpreting dreams. |